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JOHN 17:17

Sanctify them by the truth;



   My name is Jennifer Quinn. I have a love for Jesus, my Lord and Savior, and a passion for His holy word. My goal is to live a life that pleases and glorifies Him, and I believe that part of doing this well includes building up His body and bride, the Church. I would like to mention that as a woman, my writings are written for women, so as not to violate 1 Corinthians 13:33-35 and 1 Timothy 2:12.

   The purpose of my writings is to encourage women of the faith to have a greater love for their Lord, a reverence of, submission to, and desire for His Word, and to encourage and equip them to live in a way that glorifies Him. My constant prayer is that my life and works would glorify Him and be for the good of His beloved bride, the Church.



                                                                        Jennifer Quinn


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