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You Are Essential


The word has taken on a new meaning as of late, hasn’t it? People who have been deemed “essential” by their employers are given paperwork to prove it so they can go to and from work unhindered. I’ve been a stay-at-home Mom for a little over 8 years and honestly, there were times when this was hard for me. Lately, I have been thinking about all of the people who are suddenly at home because they’re no longer able to go to work (this includes a variety of people, for a variety of reasons). It was hard for me eight years ago and I wanted to stay home. How much harder it must be for people today who were completely blindsided by this change. To add (unintended) insult to injury, you don’t have a piece of paper to reassure you or those around you that you are “essential”. Not only are you home but you may no longer be bringing in a paycheck, not all jobs can be worked from home. You probably don’t feel very essential right now.

I want you to know this truth, you are essential. You are essential to God’s plan to bring Him glory. You are essential to the running of your household. I have been homeschooling for four years now and I feel like we’ve recently had some setbacks with one of my children. My first inclination was frustration, today was really hard for a variety of reasons. It is so easy for us to doubt ourselves and come to the conclusion that we are the problem, the reason that the house isn’t clean, and the reason that our child isn’t grasping a concept. Today, tears were shed by myself and by my daughter. She didn’t see mine, but I saw hers.

I love her and I am confident that she can and will improve in the area that she is currently struggling and having setbacks in. I will not give up on her. It will take work on my part as well as on hers. It may take a variety of worksheets, educational resources from a variety of places, and encouragement from me but progress will be made for the better. The same is true for you! Do not give up on yourself. You will likely need some help in this fight from reading the Bible, devotionals, encouragement from your fellow believers, and prayer every step of the way to the living God. May the everlasting Spirit give us grace for today and hope for tomorrow.

Make your ways known to me, Yahweh; teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; I wait for you all day long. Psalm 25:4-5

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