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How Balaam Cursed the Uncursable.

When Balak, the king of Moab, saw the Israelite people on the plains of Moab, he feared them. In his fear, he called Balaam, a man had a reputation that Balak describes this way, “he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed,” (from Numbers 22:6). Why did he call him? He called him in the hope that Balaam would curse Israel, so that he could defeat them.

However, it was not God’s will for His chosen people to be cursed. Balaam sought three times for God’s permission to curse the Israelites and every time, God gave him a blessing for them instead. Now, if the story stopped here, we could greatly rejoice, but sadly it does not. Balak, craved the destruction of the Israelites and Balaam realized that even though he could not curse them because it was not in God’s will, if he could find a way for them to be tempted to sin against God, they would in a sense, curse themselves.

How did Balaam tempt them to fall from God’s good grace?

And Israel remained at Shittim, and the people began to play the harlot with the daughters of Moab. Indeed they called the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods. So Israel joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and the anger of Yahweh burned against Israel.

- Numbers 25:1-3 LSB

But I have a few things against you, that you have there some who hold the teaching of Balaam, who kept teaching Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. - Revelation 2:14 LSB

They were drawn away from pleasing God by the desires of the flesh. They became objects of wrath because they chose their sinful wants, over God’s holy commands. They betrayed their God. A God who is passionately jealous for His people. His people are His bride, and she is called and commanded to be faithful to Him.

What better way for Satan to attack God’s people today? He cannot curse them. Oh, but he can put their own fleshly desires in front of their faces, sit back, and watch them fall. Where are God’s faithful people? Where are those who die to their flesh every single day so that God can be glorified in them? Where are the people of self-discipline, love, and holiness? Where are those who will not say, “Not today, Satan,” but will call out their closest and most deceptive enemy, “Not today, self!” You are your worst enemy. You are the thing that stands in the way of your own holiness. You.

Now, I am fully away that spiritual warfare is real and that enemies of the gospel too are very real, but God works against them for they work against His will. If God is for us, who can be against us (from Romans 8:31)? However, when we sin, we make ourselves workers of iniquity and pit ourselves against God and He will punish us if we do not repent. He convicts, He corrects, and He disciplines His children. For, when we live according to our desires, we dishonor Him in front of our family in Christ and in front of the world.

What then can we do? Don’t trust yourself, trust in God’s word. When you are in turmoil, seeking to discern what God’s will is, yet feel clouded in discernment by the desires of the flesh, humble yourself in prayer and deep study of His word. God’s word is not silent. He tells us the good and right way to take for His glory and honor. It is God’s will that His children glorify Him and that they do it well. Are we willing to be a living sacrifice so that His will is done in us? Lord please, let it be so.

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