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Strip Away the Pleasantries

I really enjoy a well thought out Bible study fellowship gathering with modern comforts and pleasant things. We all enjoy a comfortable chair over one that causes us pain. We enjoy a pleasant drink, food, and pretty decorations. It is not wrong to enjoy these things or even to combine them with the precious study of His word, but sometimes I just want to strip it all away.

Would you still show up if you knew that all you would hear is the reading of the word of God? Did you know that this is the kind of thing that caused genuine revival and repentance multiple times in the Old Testament? My husband remembers things better when he hears them, so he chooses to read his bible out loud. There have been many times where I’m chiming in, “Amen!” because of the pure beauty of hearing the Scriptures read in context. How many people today can actually say that they have ever even heard a full chapter of the Scriptures read in context? It simply isn’t common practice for most pastors or teachers and yet, this is the word of God. His word is so powerful! Did you know that even a cult leader could potentially speak truth that could save souls, if he could simply read the Scriptures (Romans 10:17) without perverting it with his fleshly and demonic interpretations (James 3:14-15).

Have God’s people forgotten the power of the word of God? Have you forgotten that the Holy Spirit is sufficient to accomplish His will and work of the word in those who hear it (Isaiah 55:11). In all honesty, if we know the Scriptures, we know that He is truly the only one who makes it even possible for them to understand it (2 Corinthians 3:14-17). He is the one who opens eyes and ears, not us. He is the one who turns hearts of stone to hearts of flesh and brings the dead to life, not us.

I don’t think it is necessary for us to remove all comforts and pleasant things from our Bible studies, but I do hope and pray that we would regularly evaluate our ministry and plead for the Lord to reveal to us if we have been prioritizing worthless things over the things that truly matter. If our ministries have ceased to be for the glory of God, it would be better that we cease our gatherings altogether so as not to dishonor His name (please read Malachi 1:10), than for us to continue gathering for our own entertainment and pleasures while being an odious thing before our holy God (Amos 5:21-23). The entire book of Malachi could serve as an excellent guide for evaluating your ministry.

There are far too many churches that make people feel welcome, loved, comforted, and encouraged while their souls are dead in their sins, and they remain under the fearsome and impending wrath of God. Ignorance and lies will cost many their souls! Yes, people should be welcomed. Yes, we should love them, but love them enough to tell them the truth! Do you not recognize that the warning and command of Ezekiel 3:17-21 applies to you? If your position(s) of responsibility and ministry do not cause you to have increased fear before God and dependency on His Spirit and Word, then you may not have a proper perspective of the weight (2 Corinthians 11:27-30), holy responsibility (Acts 20:24), and higher judgement of teachers (James 3:1).


I would like to say that I fully believe in and support teachers expounding on the word of God, this is necessary, beneficial, and Biblical (Nehemiah 8:8).

I would also like to say that I do truly love and enjoy a well-organized Bible study fellowship that includes all of the added beauties and comforts that one can include. Going through such efforts is certainly a way that you can express to people that you love them and desire for them to feel special and cherished.

May God give my sisters who read this, wisdom and discernment to know whether or not the words of this article apply to you, for I would never want to discourage anyone who is doing her ministry faithfully and in a way that glorifies God. I pray that the women who are leading well, would find this article encouraging and that they would continue in the good work God has called them to, fulfilling the ministry they have received for the good of His daughters who love Him and are called according to His purposes and for His glory.

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